Thursday 24 November 2011

Shanghai Port the history of "shanghai port"

During the Ming Dynasty, what is now the city of Shanghai was part of Jiangsu Province (with a small part in Zhejiang Province). Shanghai became the county seat, while in the Yuan Dynasty, but the city remained relatively small.Leading position at the mouth of the Yangtze River to its development and development of coastal trade during the Qing Dynasty, especially in the Qianlong era. Gradually, over the port of Shanghai Port and Ningbo Port Guangzhou to become the largest port in China at that time.In 1842, Shanghai became a treaty port, and put it to the city of international trade. By the early 20th, the largest city in the Far East, and the largest port in the Far East.In 1949, with Communist control in Shanghai, and cut foreign trade significantly. This was the economic policy of the People's Republic have a crippling effect on the infrastructure in Shanghai and capital development.In 1991, Shanghai has allowed the central government to initiate economic reform. Since then, the port of Shanghai has developed with increasing frequency. By 2005, was built in the port of Yangshan Yangshan deep water on the islands, a group of islands in the Gulf of Hangzhou, Shanghai Donghai Bridge linked. This allows development to overcome the conditions of shallow-water port in its current location, and the last to compete with deep-water port and neighboring Ningbo-Zhoushan port.This figure represents 24.9 percent of the country's total trade value of U.S. $ 365.93 billion during the period from January to February.Exports rose by 17.2%, 20.7 percentage points less than the period of the previous year to 58.59 billion U.S. dollars. And formed the mechanical and electronic products for about 60 percent of total exports.As export growth slowed in the Spring Festival holiday and blizzards in winter is stronger than five decades closed factories and disrupted transport. Start the implementation of government policy in the past year to reduce the high surplus also contributed to the slower, as shown in the sectors of steel and garments.Imports, however, the accelerated pace as China bought more goods and agricultural products at higher prices. Via Shanghai Port imported 549,000 tons of agricultural products in two months, an annual increase of nearly 30 percent. The price was high 24.7 percent from the previous year.Shanghai Port is located, the largest port open to international navigation in China, in eastern China and the middle of the road from the coast line in China, where the means of transportation between the East and the West, water-borne converge. Port 140 berths overall productivity, which is 68 for vessels over 10,000 dwt. The productivity of the port of 165670000 tonnes in 1995, including 1.52 million container TEUs.During the Eighth Five-Year Plan, and 4 berths for vessels of 10,000 dwt in the first phase of Waigaoqiao (Gaoqiaozui) was completed from the port area, and rebuilt 7 berths for vessels of 10,000 dwt in Zhanghuabang, Jungonglu , Minsheng port areas Huishan. Completed to a large extent the main sea runs in the first stage of plant charcoal Luojing. Since the construction in the Eighth Five-Year Plan period the year, has increased annual production capacity at the port by 8.15 million tons.

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